
Get Professional Advice Direct from the Source with OWLMI

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Unlock Your Potential. Here’s How…

Empower yourself with unique insights and knowledge, while professionals earn income on their own terms

Tailored Expertise

Embark on a personalized journey with seasoned professionals who will guide and empower you to reach your full potential in your chosen field.

Personalized Coaching

Book 1 : 1 coaching sessions with experienced professionals who will provide tailored advice and support to help you achieve your goals.

Professional Advice Hub

Discover a vast network of industry experts offering personalized guidance and insights to help you excel in your field.

Career Advancement

Discover a comprehensive community of career resources, providing exclusive insider insights, tips, and career path guidance from seasoned professionals.

Exclusive Content

Access a diverse range of exclusive content from renowned professionals, providing you with valuable resources and actionable strategies.

Industry Networking Opportunities

Engage in a dynamic community of professionals, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration through interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and peer-to-peer support.


Unparalleled Expertise: Personalized Calls, Exclusive Content, and Reliable Reviews

OWLMI connects you with professionals who share their expertise while earning income.

Explore a world of exclusive content and personalized 1:1 video calls with industry experts at OWLMI. Receive timely guidance and insights tailored to your needs.

Our robust review system guarantees exceptional advice from trusted experts. Embrace growth and knowledge with OWLMI's tailored services.


Our Vision: Connecting People, Empowering Growth

At OWLMI, we believe that everyone deserves access to professional advice, regardless of age or profession. That's why we created a platform that connects professionals with users who are seeking guidance and expertise.

Our Founder and CEO, Alex Sarnoff, comes from a lineage in media and technology and has a passion for democratizing professional talent and experience across media and technology. Our Co-Founder, Jordan Rothstein, is the CEO & Founder of King Tide, an award-winning Digital Product Development company.

Together, our team is dedicated to building a platform that provides affordable access to professionals, so users can benefit from their unique insights and knowledge, and professionals can earn income by sharing their expertise on their own terms.


A Digital School of Athens

Inspired by the spirit of the Renaissance era, our founder, Alex Sarnoff, sought to create OWLMI as a modern-day version of Raphael's fresco, "The School of Athens."

This masterpiece represented the convergence of the best minds of art, science, philosophy, and history, all in one place together discussing ideas and sharing knowledge.

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Direct Connections, Infinite Possibilities. Download Now!

Open the door to a world of endless possibilities with OWLMI. Download now to connect directly with professionals and unlock personalized guidance for your journey towards success.